Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hannah is Hilarious


One thing that Jon and I have enjoyed most over the past 2 years is watching Hannah grow from a toddler into a little girl, and with that, listening to what she has to say. It is so amazing to me to watch this transition. Before you know it, there is a little person with a very mature mind in front of you saying HILARIOUS things.
For example:

"Mommy, God lives in heaven, but you can't see him because he's in the bathroom. Jesus was born in Bath-ra-hem" (I'm thinking she was confusing bathroom with Bethlehem).

Hannah was talking to our old neighbor's children, who were Mexican. They were talking about their parents. The little boy said "Papi works for Comcast". Excitedly, Hannah replied "YOU HAVE A PUPPY!".

Last night at dinner: "Mommy, this dinner looks so yummy! I'm sure hungry! Thank you for putting ice in my milk! I love you mommy" (who are you and what have you done with my Hannah?)

"Mommy you're a squirt gun and daddy you're a woman!" (WHAAAA?????)

At the top of her lungs, "Mommy, that man is naked!" (passing a shirtless, jogging man on the street)

At the age of 2, we took Hannah down to Georgia to visit Jon's very conservative family. We were there for a week, so we were doing laundry and instead of a dryer, they use the clothes line. My bra was hanging there and must have fallen down because Hannah found it, put it up to her chest and proclaimed to the entire family "THESE ARE MOMMIES BOOBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" thank God I wasn't there at the time!

These are only a very few of what I can remember right now. More to come later!
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CRUSTY MOM-E said...

Children say the craziest things..and it doesn't surprise me the hilarious things that HB says...she has her mommys wonderful humor and personality!!

See? it's easy to blog if only we just listen to our children-they'll GIVE us stuff that we couldn't invent-like the time your neighbor passed away-HORRORS-HIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!! :)

Great posting..I laughed through the entire thing.

Portia said...

those are classic! i can't wait to hear what mine have to say:)

i heard about someone keeping a book of all the funny/cute/crazy things his daughter said and gave it to her on her 18th bday...a nice idea but the blog works too, eh?